Friday 17 August 2007

The T & A

Havng spent a week here has been a rewarding experience in the sence thst I now ha ve a first hand feel of a British newspaper newsroom. I did not come to be taught how to write a news story so it was not really necessary for me to write one - it wasnt actually convenient to shadow a reporter about anyway. The whole idea of the placement for me was to get to talk to as many key people as possible in order to get a feel of how the job gets done here.

As many in the newspper business will know,the basic principles are essentialyy the same the world over. I mean the routine is to get a good story, do the required due dullligence on it and then publish. Where some difference may come in arriving at this is the modus operandi of each paper. The difference I am talking about also has to do with the style of a paper . While some newspapers have two editorial conferences - one inthe morning to review and plan tomorrow's edition and another in the evening to decicde what leads, some other papers choose to meet in the mornig to discuss and decide the lead. The lattar is how the Telegraph and Argus operates. This is suitable considering the fact that the paper is essentially a regional papere that caters first and foremost the people of Bradford. This fact defines almost everything it does. It means that on a daily basis the paper most lead with a local story, even if a story of national outlook breaks the immediate task of the editors is to find a local angle to it

The Deputy Editor of the paper said it makes economic sense to remain local and give readers all the news that they need about events happening where they live. On the few accasions that they tried to step up to the national level resulted in low sales.

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