Friday 17 August 2007

The T & A

Havng spent a week here has been a rewarding experience in the sence thst I now ha ve a first hand feel of a British newspaper newsroom. I did not come to be taught how to write a news story so it was not really necessary for me to write one - it wasnt actually convenient to shadow a reporter about anyway. The whole idea of the placement for me was to get to talk to as many key people as possible in order to get a feel of how the job gets done here.

As many in the newspper business will know,the basic principles are essentialyy the same the world over. I mean the routine is to get a good story, do the required due dullligence on it and then publish. Where some difference may come in arriving at this is the modus operandi of each paper. The difference I am talking about also has to do with the style of a paper . While some newspapers have two editorial conferences - one inthe morning to review and plan tomorrow's edition and another in the evening to decicde what leads, some other papers choose to meet in the mornig to discuss and decide the lead. The lattar is how the Telegraph and Argus operates. This is suitable considering the fact that the paper is essentially a regional papere that caters first and foremost the people of Bradford. This fact defines almost everything it does. It means that on a daily basis the paper most lead with a local story, even if a story of national outlook breaks the immediate task of the editors is to find a local angle to it

The Deputy Editor of the paper said it makes economic sense to remain local and give readers all the news that they need about events happening where they live. On the few accasions that they tried to step up to the national level resulted in low sales.

Wednesday 8 August 2007


Patient in hospital

There was no law backing it It was being funded by illegal local government funds

Olusegun Adeniyi

  • 1960 Gained independent from Britain
  • 1966 First military coup
  • 1967 Civil war
  • 1979 Returned to civil rule
  • 1984 Second republic terminated
  • 1998 General Abacha died
  • 2007 Yar'adua elected in controversial elections

The elections [in April] failed to meet the required minimum in a democracy

Madeline Albright

President Umaru Yar'Adua
Umaru Yar'adua

A multi billion naira contract for the construction of new hospitals in Nigeria has been revoked.

President Umaru Yar'adua who announced the revocation yesterday said the contracts award breached due process.

The 10 billion naira contract was awarded in the twilight of the previous government of Olusegun Obasanjo.

President Yar'adua;s spokesman, Olusegun Adeniyi, told AzeezNews that 'the contract was illegally awarded.


For two years running , Nigeria has been in the bottom rong of Transparency International's anti corruption index.

Nigerian governments have challenged the placement saying the yardstick for the rankings was flawed.

The contract was for the construction of clinics in the 774 local government areas of the country.

The money for the contract was sourced from deductions from local government allocations from the federation account which the spokesman said were illegal

'There was no law backing it.It was being funded with illega local government funds', Adeniyi said.

There were insinuations that President Yra'adua would be Obasanjo's lackey but recent decisions are proving the opposite.


Last week the president sacked some senior military officers promoted by Obasanjo just before leaving office.

The retired officers were in command of sensitive military commands and the move is seen as a signal that Yar'adua is his own man

The new government has also cancelled the sale of the Kaduna and Port Harcourt refinaries t0
Acompany owned by alleged cronies of the former leader.

The company, Blue Star, is owned by one of the country's top business tycoons Aliko Dangote


The outcome of general elections in the counrty in Aprll provoked outrage and widespred condemnation from both local and international observers.

Adelegation of the European Union led by Dutchman, Max Van Den Berg, said the elections were the worst that the Union has observed in recent times.

The Natona Democratic Institute whose observers were led by Former U S Secretary of State, Madeline Albright said the elections did not meet the reqiured minimum in a democracy

Map of Nigeria

Tuesday 7 August 2007



Agricultural scientists in Africa have unveiled a new kit to test crops for Aflatoxin, a deadly poison that makes them unfit to eat.

Staple crops such as maize, ground nuts, sorghum and cassava are infected by the toxic chemical during hot weather and draught.

Reports say about 5 million people in developing countries are exposed to Aflatoxin which can cause cancer in humans and may lead to death in animals.

125 people died in Kenya three years ago after eating maize infected by Aflatoxin


The new kit has been tested successfully in Malawi. The country suffered severe losses in groundnut export in the 70s after an Aflatoxin outbreak.

The International Crop Reserch Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics which unveiled the kit said it is available in a smal, simple kit.

It also said it can be used even in the most remote rural farms to monitor grains and nuts and improve storage techniques to avoid contaminations.

Monday 6 August 2007


It has been a worthwhile experience so far. Not that I havent got any complaints - and they are legion - but in the end i must admit it is beter to be here that not. For one, prior to coming here , I hadnt got the slightest idea of how to go about settiing up a blog but here I am posting this message on one that I created by my self - with help of course from the able tutors that the Thomson Foundation has provideed.

Being on the course has also helped in throwing to the bin that long held myth about vudeo filming.You would have thought that some special , maybe extra teerrstrial training, was required to go about the filming business but in two days a lot of us can infact apply for jobs in the film iondustry even if we eventually dont get the job. At least we' ve got the confidence to apply